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Event Calendar

CCU Strategic Planning Process Focus Group Sessions

See schedule below for various dates, times and meeting locations

Your voice is important…
Christian Churches United is undergoing a strategic planning process to sharpen our focus and process future ministry opportunities. We would love the input of member church representatives, donors, volunteers, community leaders, and others who care about our joint ministry. Can you join us for one of the following focus group sessions?

Session #1: West Shore Area
Tuesday, March 22 at 6:30PM
LOCATION: Trinity Lutheran Church, 2000 Chestnut St, Camp Hill, PA 17011

Session #2: Harrisburg City
Saturday, March 26 at 10AM
LOCATION: Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, 2339 N 6th St, Harrisburg, PA 17110

Session #3: Penbrook/East Shore Area
Monday, March 28 at 6:30PM
LOCATION: Tabernacle Baptist Church, 2730 Booser Ave., Harrisburg, PA 17103

Session #4: Northern Dauphin
Thursday, March 31 at 6:30PM
LOCATION: Messiah Lutheran Church, 3 Church St, Halifax, PA 17032

Session #5: Virtual
Saturday, April 2 at 10AM
LOCATION: Zoom Meeting

Session #6: Virtual
Tuesday, April 5 at 6:30PM
LOCATION: Zoom Meeting (Register for link)

Choose the meeting date, time and location that works for you. Registration is required. Click REGISTER NOW above and submit your Name and E-mail. If you register for a Zoom session, we will e-mail you the link prior to the session.

1) On the first screen, enter the number of people you are registering.
2) Click continue, and enter the names and contact information of each person attending.
3) Click continue, and enter your name and e-mail address. (if you are registering for just yourself, you have to enter your name and email address on each page, sorry.)