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Due to inclement weather the HELP Office and CCU Admin offices are closed on Thursday 02/06/2025

News & Events

Event Calendar

Winter 2023 Member Relations Council Meeting

Thursday, February 23, 2023
6:30 pm8:00 pm
ZOOM Meeting

Please join us for our next Member Relations Council meeting. We invite representatives of our member churches and other partner agencies to join us several times a year for an informational and interactive meeting to keep you apprised of our joint ministry work together. We also share resources to keep your congregation or group engaged.

Date: Thursday, February 23, 2023
Time: 6:30pm for approximately one hour
Via: ZOOM Meeting

Who should attend: Ideally at least one representative from your congregation or agency (although more are welcome). This can include your designated CCU representative as well as pastors, outreach committee members, board members, other interested church members, social workers, volunteer coordinators, etc.

If your church or agency is not yet a member of CCU and you would like to attend to learn more about the work of CCU, you are welcome to join in the discussion so you can help spread the word about our work in your congregation and the community. Please touch base with Executive Director Darrel Reinford prior to the meeting to introduce yourself if you do not know Darrel already ( or 717-230-9550).

Please RSVP. Our meeting with include:
1. Date/time/details of Spring Assembly (currently being finalized)
2. Update on our street outreach efforts in wake of the recently homelessness encampment closure, and winter overnight shelters
3. Information on our Spring fundraisers: the CCU Highmark Walk and HELP Ministries Golf Tournament
4. Opportunities to contribute tangibly to our welcome home kits and our overnight shelter needs
5. Update on our strategic planning process

Please REGISTER using the button above. If there is something you specifically have a question about, please e-mail Darrel Reinford, Executive Director, at and he can answer your question directly or address the question during the zoom meeting if it is of general interest. We look forward to fellowshipping with you on the evening of February 23!