As we announce vital new initiatives to help people living on the streets of Harrisburg, we must grow our team of our monthly, program sustaining donors to meet this challenge…
...our Matthew 25:40 Team, inspired by the following scripture:
‘I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.’
– Matthew 25:40 (The Message translation)
Our Matthew 25:40 Team of monthly partners give $25 or $40 a month or other amount that fits their budget. You'll change lives by giving in a convenient way that quickly adds up:
$10/month = $120/year
$25/month = $300/year
$40/month = $480/year
$60/month = $720/year
$100/month = $1,200/year
To join our Matthew 25:40 Team:
- Visit www.ccuhbg.org/monthly to complete our online form or print our paper form
- Initiate a recurring payment through your bank, credit union or other financial institution.
BONUS! Initiate a monthly donation by May 15, 2019 and you'll get one of our custom designed Love Your Neighbor shirts as a thank you. These shirts have the phrase “Love Your Neighbor” in 23 languages in your choice of blue, black or pink.
Thank you in advance for your generous support that allows us to make a difference in the lives of thousands of people and their families each year!
Our goal? 30 new monthly supporters by May 15!
Can you join us?
Invite your friends, congregants and co-workers. You'll invest in changing lives through CCU year round as an all-weather friend!