Project A.S.K. (Assisting Students & Kids)

Project A.S.K. exists to engage the local community in providing dignity and basic need support to students in the West Shore School District, in partnership with the school district. Begun in May 2013, this grassroots volunteer effort works with the West Shore School District (WSSD) social worker and nurses to provide support to children in need.
What We Do

When the WSSD social worker identifies a student’s need which cannot be met by a social service agency, we work to meet that need. All assistance/services of Project A.S.K. are provided sensitively through the WSSD social worker and school nurses so as to respect the children's dignity.
We supply emergency clothing and food items to nurses in each of the 14 schools in WSSD. Examples include underwear, socks, t-shirts, sweatpants, sweatshirts and cold weather gear such as hats, gloves and winter jackets. We also provide breakfast bars and applesauce and hygiene supplies (deodorant, hand sanitizer, tissues and chapstick). In the past, we’ve been asked to help with buying gym uniforms, Vo-Tech kits, and backpacks.
Project A.S.K. also works closely with the social worker in the school district, helping to address unique student needs that may arise in crisis situations. Our goal is to remove barriers to success for kids in tough circumstances: to improve educational success and individual wellness
How You Can Help
Donations Needed:
- If you (or your group) would like to collect items for Project A.S.K., please contact us for a current list of needs.
- Financial contributions will be used to purchase items that have not been donated. By purchasing some items wholesale, we get them for a lower cost per item.
- Support Project A.S.K.'s 2022 Angel Tree Project
- Attend Hoss's Fundraiser Night
Volunteers Needed:
- Help spread the word about Project A.S.K.
- Tell your church, neighbors and friends about our efforts.
- Partner with us.
- Like us on Facebook ( to learn more.